ECG Screening Services In Lagos, Nigeria.

How We Perform Our ECG Screening services:

ECG (Electrocardiogram)Our specialist doctors undertake a safe and painless test (An ECG (electrocardiogram) which normally only takes a few minutes.

Leads from an electrocardiograph machine are attached to the skin on your arms, legs, and chest using sticky patches. These leads read signals from your heart and send this information to the electrocardiograph. The machine then prints the reading on a paper strip or on a screen.

TAAL Specialist Hospital Offers Three Main Types of ECG Screening services:

Resting ECG Services

If there is a need for our specialist doctor to know how your heart is working while you are at rest, you will be asked to lie down and relax while the heartbeat is being recorded this is known as Resting ECG.

Stress ECG

Our cardiologist may be interested in how your heart reacts to activity and you will be asked to walk or run on a treadmill or cycle on an exercise bike while your heartbeat is recorded. This is known as Stress ECG.

24-Hour ECG

We may also need to monitor your heartbeat rate throughout the day, in which case you will be asked to wear a small electrocardiograph machine. The recordings (data) from the machine are then read by our cardiologist when you return the machine. Whatever the case may be, you are assured of our best care and services. We parade state-of-the-art technology and machines required for all the needed tests at an affordable cost and at the shortest response time.

Advantages Of ECG:

What can an ECG (Electrocardiogram) tell you?

An electrocardiogram can be a useful way to find out whether your high blood pressure has caused any damage to your heart or blood vessels. Because of this, you may be asked to have an ECG when you are first diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Some of the things an ECG reading can detect are:

  • Cholesterol clogging up your heart’s blood supply,
  • A heart attack in the past,
  • Enlargement of one side of the heart,
  • Abnormal heart rhythms.

Prevention is better than cure.

Take advantage of Taal Specialists’ ECG Screening services today.
Best Hospital in Lagos Nigeria